Programs of Excellence in Engaged Scholarship

Programs of Excellence in Engaged Scholarship

To apply for certification, please dowload and complete the application below and submit via email as a PDF to Assistant Vice Provost Nicole Nieto at by Dec. 15.

Faculty or staff who have previously been identified as a Program of Excellence in the 2024 award cycle should not reapply until 2027.

Apply Here

View the Call for Proposals


To support and promote high-impact engaged scholarship, the Office of Outreach and Engagement has instituted a process to certify programs of excellence in engaged scholarship. The certification process seeks to identify and certify up to 20 projects annually that demonstrate excellence in community-engaged scholarship and meet the criteria of high-impact engaged scholarship.

The purpose of the certification process is to support the following goals.

  • To provide university-level recognition of excellence for engaged scholars (including both faculty and staff).
  • To support engaged scholars in annual reviews and promotion and tenure with official recognition from the Office of Outreach and Engagement and the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • To identify projects for nomination for Ohio State, regional and national awards in engaged scholarship.
  • To identify projects that will help us to communicate the impact of Ohio State's engaged scholarship in the communities that we serve.
  • To support Ohio State's Carnegie application for the Elective Classification for Community Engagement and related university-wide recognition and accreditation type applications.

Benefits to Faculty/Staff

Certification as a Program of Excellence in Engaged Scholarship will provide the following benefits to faculty and staff.

  • A letter of recognition acknowledging faculty/staff as leading an exemplary program of excellence in engaged scholarship from the Office of Outreach and Engagement and the Office of Academic Affairs, to also be shared with applicants department, college or unit leadership.
  • Projects and faculty/staff will be featured in Office of Outreach and Engagement communications and acknowledged at the Office of Outreach and Engagement annual awards luncheon.
  • Projects will be in consideration for nomination by the Office of Outreach and Engagement for regional and national awards in engaged scholarship.
  • Projects will be featured in the Office of Outreach and Engagement's online Engagement Asset Map.
  • The top 3 ranked programs of excellence will each receive a monetary award of $1,000.