OSU Engages October Newsletter
OSU Engages
Stories and Opportunities for Ohio State's Outreach and Engagement Community
LiFEsports wins prestigious Kellogg Award, named finalist for national Magrath Award
Ohio State's LiFEsports initiative has been named a regional winner of the 2020 W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). As one of four regional winners, LiFEsports will compete for the national C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award, which will be announced in November.
LiFEsports' mission is to prepare youth for life and leadership through sports. Since 2008, more than 8,000 low-income youth between six and 18 years old have participated in the LiFEsports summer camps, year-round sports clinics, and youth leadership academy. (Note: photo is from 2019 camp.)
Engaged Scholars: Dawn Anderson-Butcher
Dawn Anderson-Butchers scholarship explores positive youth development in different social settings, including schools, after school programs and youth sport. A professor in the College of Social Work and the executive director of teaching/research for the LiFEsports initiative, she specifically focuses on investigating what program mechanisms contribute to positive outcomes, particularly for youth coming from socially vulnerable circumstances.
Anderson-Butchers secondary interests involve examining school-family-community partnerships designed to maximize community- and school-based resources for learning and development. Her research is designed to develop and test innovative design strategies that address real social problems.
Pharmacy successfully transitions to virtual summer camp
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced in-person activities to be canceled, the College of Pharmacy had to get creative to ensure the success of its long-running summer camp Pills, Potions and Poisons. So Cynthia Canan, camp director and lecturer, and her team got together and made a plan to pull off a virtual camp.
Community Connectors: Quanetta Batts
As the director of Outreach & Engagement for University Libraries, Quanetta Batts establishes and cultivates relationships with community partners on campus and in Central Ohio. Specifically, she coordinates University Libraries participation in Project Mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio, leads the planning for the Libraries' high school summer internship program with the Expanding Visions Foundation (EVF), supports logistics for their professional development workshop series with Columbus City Schools Librarians and coordinates volunteer opportunities with the Mid-Ohio Food Collective.
Curtis selected to receive Sustainable Agriculture Grant from NCR-SARE
Kip Curtis, associate professor of Environmental History/Mansfield campus and faculty fellow in the Office of Outreach and Engagement, has been selected to receive a $89,976 grant from the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) for the project, "Growing the Growers: Leadership Training and the Development of Key Personnel for Engaged Production in the Mansfield Microfarm Project."
Join us for the virtual kick-off of the Engaged Practitioners Network
Friday, November 6
10-11:15 a.m.
The Engaged Practitioners Network is for Ohio State staff who are working in the spaces of community outreach and engagement. The group will provide an opportunity for sharing best practices as well as networking with colleagues across campus. Our goal is to create a community of practice for staff. We hope to amplify collaborations, share best practices and increase professional development opportunities.
We are interested in learning more about what you would like from the Engaged Practitioners Network. We will also hold space on community outreach and engagement work during this time. For questions or more information please email Assistant Vice Provost Nicole Nieto, nieto.12@osu.edu.
Engaged Scholar Grant - deadline Nov. 1
The Council of Graduate Students, in partnership with the Office of Outreach and Engagement, Office of Student Life, Office of Research, and Ohio State University Extension is pleased to announce the availability of the Engaged Scholar Grant. The Engaged Scholar Grant incentivizes graduate students to undertake community-engaged research or community-engaged projects, in collaboration with a community partner, that address a specific need or problem within the community (in-state or out-of-state). Graduate students may apply for grants ranging from $500 to $1,500.
BETHA 2021 Call for Proposals - deadline Dec. 1
Full-time assistant, associate and full professors (with a minimum 75 percent appointment for a nine or 12-month period) are invited to submit proposals to be considered for 2021 Battelle Endowment funding. The Battelle Memorial Institute-Ohio State partnership fosters programs that examine the relationship between science and technology and its impact on broader social and cultural issues.
CUMU Fall 2020 Learning & Sharing Virtual Series
The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) fall 2020 program is focused on CUMU member institutions, their community partners and their work addressing contemporary challenges through dialogue and presentations delivered in a variety of formats that allow for in-depth conversations and actionable next steps. Ohio State is a member of CUMU.