We are pleased to announce several exciting opportunities around engaged scholarship. As you will see below, we are seeking applications for the University Outreach and Engagement Awards and our annual engagement seed grants program. New this year, we have a call for proposals open for the Program of Excellence in Engaged Scholarship certification.
We look forward to reviewing your proposals and providing support for the exemplary efforts in engaged scholarship occurring on our campus and across the community.
Priority Focus Topics for 2024:
The Office of Outreach and Engagement centers programming around community needs that are identified through engagement with community and university stakeholders. In 2024, our topical areas of focus include: housing affordability and security; central Ohio immigrant and refugee needs; youth violence prevention and STEM. Proposals related to other topics are still eligible for the program of excellence certification and seed grants, but priority will be given to proposals engaging any of the priority topics listed above.
Road Scholars Day Spring 2024:
Our Road Scholars Day will return this semester with a planned daylong bus excursion to the Newark campus and community. Road Scholars Day offers an opportunity to learn about nearby communities and to build relationships with faculty, staff and community partners. We are currently in the planning process for hosting this engagement, which will take place late in the semester. Be on the lookout for more information related to this opportunity later in the semester.
Happy New Year and wishing you all a great start to 2024 and the spring semester!
Jason Reece
Vice Provost for Urban Research and Community Engagement
Office of Academic Affairs