Engaged Scholar Q&A: Jason Reece
City planning is an applied field, that seeks to create equitable, healthy and sustainable communities. Jason Reece's scholarship seeks to understand ways we can foster a built and social environment which supports an equitable city and healthy communities. More specifically, his work explores how factors such as affordable and healthy housing, safe and healthy neighborhood environments and community engagement can improve outcomes for traditionally marginalized communities.
Apply to be Ohio States nominee for the Kellogg Award
The Office of Outreach and Engagement is seeking applications from university community engagement programs for the internal process to select Ohio States nominee for the 2022 W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award. The regional award, from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, recognizes extraordinary community engagement initiatives. Universities can only nominate one program per year. Applications are due by Jan. 14.
Community Connector: Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian
Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian is the director of operations of the Learning in Fitness and Education through Sports (LiFEsports) Initiative, a partnership between the Department of Athletics, College of Social Work, Student Life, and OSU Extension. LiFEsports is a nationally recognized model for sport-based positive youth development. This campus-wide initiative aims to impact the lives of youth by providing free and accessible sport opportunities in communities to address the broader social conditions young people face, especially those exposed to various social and economic vulnerabilities.
Applications are open for the annual OSEP awards
In collaboration with Ohio State Energy Partners (OSEP), the Office of Academic Affairs has opened a call for grant proposals that align with the universitys sustainability goals, advance Ohio State priorities, and promote interdisciplinary and community collaboration. Submissions are due Feb. 11. Faculty, staff and students are eligible to apply. Awards range from $10,000 to $50,000.
Helping people without homes
For Morgan Weininger, a typical days work is filled with what she calls street outreach, or canvassing the University District to find people without homes and taking time to talk with them. A full-time licensed independent social worker, Weininger recently was hired to provide dedicated outreach to connect individuals who are homeless to resources and support. Funding for the new position originated from The Ohio State University Task Force on Community Safety and Well-Being, formed by President Kristina M. Johnson in fall 2020.
Community-Engaged/Service-Learning Course Development Grants application now open
Instructors are invited to submit applications for the 2022 Course Development Grants. Up to $4,000 is available for the creation or improvement of a community-engaged/service-learning course. Instructors from any Ohio State campus are eligible to apply with a course for any academic level and any mode of delivery. Instructors developing service-learning courses for the new GE are encouraged to apply. Applications are due Feb. 1.
Kirwan Institute Spring Biweekly Forum Series
The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity has announced its Spring 2022 Biweekly Forum Series Schedule. All forums are virtual, free and open to the public. The first forum of the semester, "No Struggle, No Progress: Social Justice Organizing in the 21st Century" with Associate Professor Hasan Jeffries, will take place on Feb. 3 at 11 a.m. For additional questions, please contact Kip Holley at holley.17@osu.edu.
Apply for the ServeOhio Awards
ServeOhio honors outstanding people, groups, and initiatives who make great contributions to their local communities and the state through service and volunteerism. The ServeOhio Awards recognize volunteers, service groups, corporate groups, and volunteer initiatives in five regions of the state. The deadline is Jan. 28.
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