OSU Engages August/September Newsletter
OSU Engages
Stories and Opportunities for Ohio State's Outreach and Engagement Community
We are excited for the start of a new academic year!
Recently, Ohio State was named as a regional winner of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. The university received the award for its work with the Columbus Free Clinic (CFC), which seeks to address unmet healthcare needs in the community. We are so proud of the students, faculty and staff at the CFC and grateful for the strong community partnerships that have been formed.
This year we will offer a reimagined Roads Scholars Day in which faculty will have the opportunity to learn more about engaged scholarship and community partnerships. As part of our Engaged Scholarship Symposium on November 1, we will host a graduate student poster competition highlighting their work in the area of engaged scholarship.
We hope that you will join us at one of our upcoming events! We look forward to continuing to support the important work of community outreach and engagement.
Nicole Nieto
Assistant Vice Provost
Office of Outreach and Engagement
Columbus Free Clinic earns prestigious Kellogg Award
Ohio State and the Columbus Free Clinic have been announced as the regional winner of the 2023 W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award for providing critical care to underserved adults in the Columbus community for more than 30 years. The award from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities recognizes extraordinary community engagement initiatives. Regional winners compete for the national C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award, which will be announced in November.
Register for Roads Scholars Day: Columbus Neighborhoods
Faculty interested in engaged scholarship are invited to join the Office of Outreach Engagement in visiting neighborhoods across Columbus on Sept. 15. On a charter bus with other faculty and university colleagues, you will visit community organizations and learn more about community engaged scholarship. The day will conclude with lunch and conversation at the STEAM Factory.
Engaged Scholar Q&A: Scott Graves
"In order for students to reach their full potential, access to evidence-based programing that facilitates optimal development is essential," says Scott Graves, professor in the College of Education and Human Ecology. "Unfortunately for Black youth, there are significant opportunity gaps that exist that have made this difficult. Accordingly, my research agenda can be broadly categorized as understanding protective factors that lead to positive youth development."
Call for proposals: Graduate Student Poster Competition
The Autumn 2023 Engaged Scholarship Symposium on November 1, hosted by the Office of Outreach and Engagement, will feature a graduate student poster competition to provide graduate students an opportunity to share their engaged scholarship. The call for proposals closes Sept. 18.
College of Pharmacy earns national community service award
The College of Pharmacy received the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 2023 Lawrence C. Weaver Transformative Community Service Award for the 2021-2022 academic year, marking the first time a school or college of pharmacy has received the honor two times.
Engaged Scholarship Symposium Nov. 1
Join the Office of Outreach and Engagement for the Engaged Scholarship Symposium on Nov. 1. This symposium will highlight faculty who are co-creating scholarship with our community. Through panel discussions, flash talks and poster presentations, participants will learn more about the innovative and impactful work of engaged scholars at Ohio State.
Meet the 2023-24 Columbus-Athens Schweitzer Fellows!
The Schweitzer Fellows Program supports and trains emerging health-focused graduate and professional students in creating and carrying out service projects to address unmet community needs. This year, 11 fellows from Ohio State and Ohio University are conducting one-year community service projects of at least 200 service hours. Fellows partner with an existing community agency in the Columbus or Athens area and have both an academic and a community-based mentor.
Interfolio: Ohio States new faculty information system
Beginning this semester, Ohio State is conducting promotion and tenure reviews via Interfolio, the universitys new faculty information system. The Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure tool focuses specifically on the review component and is already being utilized by unit leaders. Over the course of the coming academic year, we will implement Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting university-wide, allowing faculty to efficiently capture their scholarly activities and accomplishments to best tell their academic story.
Register now for the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference
The 2023 Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC) Conference will take place October 4-5 in East Lansing, Michigan. This year's theme is Mobilizing Change through Engaged Scholarship. The conference will provide a platform for intentional conversations about how engaged scholarship can lead to significant, positive impacts in the community and the academy. Ohio State is a member of ESC.
Global Gateways Initiative Grants
The Global Gateways Initiative Grant program encourages knowledge-creation and problem-solving through research and academic events. Funded and supported by the Office of International Affairs Global Gateways and Partnerships unit, the awarded projects will help realize the full potential of the Global Gateways networks. Proposals may be submitted for individual projects, exploration of new partnerships or continuation of work with established partners.
Engaged Practitioners Network Oct. 20
The Engaged Practitioners Network is a space for those Ohio State staff who are working in community outreach and engagement. Our goal is to continue to grow the community of practice for staff. We hope to amplify collaborations, share best practices and increase professional development opportunities. The next meeting is Oct. 20.
Save the date for WestFest: Sept. 30
WestFest is an annual public engagement event that highlights STEM research, sustainability initiatives and outreach programs at The Ohio State University and beyond. WestFest brings together STEM units from across campus and select community partners to present family-friendly activities. This year's event will take place September 30.
Registration Open: 2023 Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference
Join the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) for its 2023 annual conference Resilient Campuses. Resilient Cities. in Washington, D.C., October 15-18. Presenters and attendees will critically examine how our campuses and cities embrace shared understandings and a commitment to fostering greater resilience across themes important to the future of higher education. Ohio State is a member of CUMU.
Make connections with the Outreach and Engagement listserv
Did you know you can connect with colleagues through the Outreach and Engagement listserv? You can share your work and events, look for partnerships and much more by emailing the list at outreach@lists.osu.edu.
2023 | Office of Outreach and Engagement |
4th Floor, University Square South
15 E. 15th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43201 |
engage@osu.edu |
engage.osu.edu |
Office of Outreach and Engagement |
The Ohio State University |