Partnering and futuring for the child welfare system
Partnering and futuring are two key concepts leading to the development of a five-volume policy and practice compendium on the child welfare system by Ohio State's College of Social Work and the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA).
Ramona Denby-Brinson, professor and associate dean of academic affairs, and Amanda Klein-Cox, senior research associate, are collaborating with Charlene Ingram from the CWLA on the project. The team published an article in Children's Voice (Volume 29, #2) describing their plans and methods for the compendium, which will reflect state-of-the-art knowledge pertaining to child- and family-serving systems.
OSU Engages: Celebrating Engaged Scholarship at Ohio State
Register now to join us on April 13 at 11 a.m. for a dialogue with engaged scholars as we honor our 2021 University Outreach and Engagement award recipients! The engaged scholars dialogue will feature Professor and Associate Dean Ramona Denby-Brinson, Associate Professor Darryl Hood and Professor Elisabeth Root.
Application open for Engagement Impact Grants
Grants will be awarded at the maximum amount of $10,000 to support (1) impact report of an existing university sponsored/facilitated outreach and engagement program, performance, exhibition or similar program; (2) impact report of a community-based organization's program for the purpose of establishing a partnership or ongoing relationship; (3) development of a public policy document or report; or (4) support for team to develop a grant proposal or finalize a manuscript for publication submission. The application deadline is April 15.
Eligibility: Faculty (all ranks and titles) and/or faculty-led teams are eligible to apply.
Engaged Scholarship Faculty Community of Practice meeting April 29
The next meeting of the Engaged Scholarship Faculty Community of Practice is April 29 from 2-3:30 p.m. If your scholarship is in any way focused on connecting the rich resources of the university to our most pressing social, civic and ethical problems, (from Boyer, 1996, The Scholarship of Engagement), we would invite you to participate in this CoP.
If you are unsure if this faculty group relates to you and your work, consider the following questions:
- Are you actively engaged with a community partner (broadly defined) and collaborating with them while relying on your faculty expertise to address a critical issue?
- Are you actively engaged in scholarship that investigates university-community partnerships, including challenges and/or opportunities within those relationships?
- Are you wanting to learn more about how you can engage with various communities to help address societal challenges?
Engaged Practitioners Network Meeting April 9
The next Engaged Practitioners Network meeting will take place on April 9 at 10 a.m. Vice Provost for Outreach and Engagement Ryan Schmiesing will be the featured guest speaker. This meeting's focus will explore recommendations for staff support through grant opportunities.
The network is for those Ohio State staff who are working in spaces of community outreach and engagement. We will provide an opportunity for sharing best practices as well as networking with colleagues across campus. Our goal is to create a community of practice for staff. We hope to amplify collaborations, share best practices and increase professional development opportunities.
Community Connector Q&A: Susan Colbert
As the community engagement and expansion program director for OSU Extension Franklin County, Susan Colbert and her team have collaborated with community, corporate, civic, collegiate and church partners, to help transform the Weinland Park neighborhood into a neighborhood of choice. Through this community engaged model, OSU Extension co-located staff in the neighborhood; offered community-driven, Extension-based programs, services and resources; and forged unique partnerships with individuals, families and community stakeholders and much more.
Engaged Scholar Grant opportunity
The Engaged Scholar Grant incentivizes graduate and professional students to undertake community-engaged research or community-engaged projects, in collaboration with a community partner, that address a specific need or problem within the community (in-state, out-of-state, and international). Graduate and professional students may apply for grants ranging from $500 to $1,500. The application deadline is April 15.
Registration is now open for ESC 2021
The 2021 Engagement Scholarship Consortium conference will take place online, Sept. 13-15. Registration is now open. This year's annual meeting will explore the theme of Creating Connections and Expanding Possibilities through an inclusive and engaging virtual conference. Ohio State faculty, staff and students qualify for ESC member pricing.
Sign up for the Outreach and Engagement Listserv
If you are not receiving the OSU Engages newsletter directly, but would like to, please register below.